Rilascio 26/03/2025
- Contact: We added possibility to prefill body and subject on emails link
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Submit: Fixed orientation of picture taken with some devices
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Improved the display speed of screens containing avatar pictures (User lists, widgets, and profile)
Rilascio 21/03/2025
- Line-Height & Letter Spacing values have been fixed in the home
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - We fixed the top image position in the coupons detail
Rilascio 07/03/2025
- Home section: In Content widgets using the Banner Visual template, fixed an issue that could cause the title to be cut off.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Fixed an issue that could cause horizontal separators to be displayed with the wrong color.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Home section: In Link widgets using Big Slideshow and Small Slideshow templates, fixed an issue that prevented the scroll to properly work on mobile devices.
Rilascio 06/03/2025
- Articles section: In lists using the Condensed template, fixed an issue that prevented the shadow from being displayed on cells.
#BUG FIX #PWA - About section: Fixed an issue that caused horizontal separators to be displayed with the wrong color.
Rilascio 05/03/2025
- Articles section: Fixed an issue that could cause the load more articles spinner to not be visible.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Authentication extension: We are now compliant with the lastest Facebook login guidelines.
#UPDATE #IOS - Form section: The upload PDF files field is now available on the iOS platform.
Rilascio 03/03/2025
- Edge-to-edge thumbnails are now available in Visual Card and Visual Card Banner widget templates on the home screen for a more immersive design.
Rilascio 28/02/2025
- Home section: In Podcast widgets, fixed an issue that prevented audio playback from starting when clicking on the play button.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Memberships extension: In the user profile page, fixed an issue that caused the shape property to not be applied to the premium sticker.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Fixed an issue that prevented shapes from being applied to the borders of text fields.
Rilascio 27/02/2025
- Articles section: In lists using the Condensed template, fixed an issue that caused the author to be displayed with the wrong color.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Photos section: On iPad devices, in photos detail pages, fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application when trying to save an image.
Rilascio 26/02/2025
- Memberships extension: In event detail pages using the Classic template, fixed an issue that caused the premium sticker to be wrongly positioned.
Rilascio 25/02/2025
- In headers using the Large height, fixed an issue that caused the logo to be cut when the Hiding scroll effect is applied.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Live Audio extension: Fixed an issue that prevented the live audio section from being opened when clicking on the mini player.
Rilascio 24/02/2025
- Articles section: In lists using the Condensed Template, fixed an issue that caused thumbnails to not be displayed.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Internal ad server extension: In article detail pages using the Toolbar Down template, fixed an issue that caused advertising banners to be wrongly positioned.
Rilascio 21/02/2025
- Live+ extension: Fixed an issue that caused a low-quality image to be used in the locked screen player.
Rilascio 18/02/2025
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Header title gradient to be cut off when a gradient is applied.
Rilascio 17/02/2025
- Live Audio extension: Fixed an issue that could prevent audio playback from resuming after an interruption.
#BUG FIX #IOS - You can now customize line-height and letter-spacing for all fonts in your app, giving you even more control over your design.
#NEW FEATURE - Photos section: Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application when opening a photo without any description.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Home section: On iPad devices, fixed an issue that could cause the widgets header to be displayed incorrectly using a 'Right-to-Left' language.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Couponing extension: In lists using the Classic template, fixed an issue that prevented coupons from being displayed after changing categories.
Rilascio 14/02/2025
- Map section: In lists using the Visual template, fixed an issue that prevented the shadow from being displayed on the cell.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Home section: Fixed an issue that prevented Text widgets from being displayed.
Rilascio 13/02/2025
- External advertising networks extension: You can now display interstitial at first action using an Advanced property.
Rilascio 12/02/2025
- Events section: In lists using the Condensed template, fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Applications now display content edge-to-edge for a more immersive experience.
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Applications are now fully optimized for Android 15.
Rilascio 11/02/2025
- Podcasts section: In detail pages using the Toolbar Up Banner template, fixed an issue that caused player buttons to be inverted using a 'Right-to-Left' language.
Rilascio 10/02/2025
- New thumbnail formats are now available in lists for the latest templates! Choose between Square, 16:9, 4:3, and Golden Ratio
#NEW RELEASE - Home section: In Content widgets using the Immersive Template, fixed an issue that caused the wrong number of cells to be displayed.
Rilascio 07/02/2025
- Home section: In Events widgets using the UneClassic template, fixed an issue that could cause the first cell displayed with the wrong background color.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Home section: In Search widgets, fixed an issue that could cause some padding missing.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Podcasts section: In detail pages using the Toolbar Up Banner template, fixed an issue that caused the background shape to be hidden behind the image banner.
Rilascio 06/02/2025
- Podcasts section: In lists using the Classic Play template, fixed an issue that prevented podcast information from being displayed.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Form section: Fixed an issue that caused the field description to be misaligned with the field.
Rilascio 03/02/2025
- Home section: In Content widgets using the Immersive Cards Banner template, fixed an issue that could cause the texts to be incorrectly displayed.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Home section: Fixed an issue that prevented Navigation widgets using the Visual Shortcuts template from being displayed.
Rilascio 31/01/2025
- Home section: In Content widgets using the Visual Cards template, fixed an issue that could cause cells to be displayed with an incorrect height.
Rilascio 30/01/2025
- Map section: Fixed an issue that caused the map pin to remain visible on detail pages, while using the Mapbox map provider.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Home section: In Content widgets using the Visual Cards template, fixed an issue that could cause the view to automatically scroll.
Rilascio 29/01/2025
- Favorites section: Fixed an issue that could cause bookmarked items to be deleted when the user was clearing the cache.
Rilascio 28/01/2025
- Events section: In lists using the Classic Bullet template, fixed an issue that caused the shape setting to not be applied on the last element.
Rilascio 24/01/2025
- Home section: Fixed an issue that could cause Text widgets to not be displayed.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Home section: In Podcast widgets using the Classic Play template, fixed an issue that caused the separator to be displayed on the last item.
#BUG FIX #PWA - About section: In Banner and Full Banner templates, the quality of the image banner has been improved on Desktop devices.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Form section: Fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the application when the user was picking a date.
Rilascio 20/01/2025
- About section: You can now disable the zoom on images click by using an Advanced property.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Authentication extension: Fixed an issue that caused deleted users to stay logged in the app.
Rilascio 16/01/2025
- URL section: Fixed an issue that caused phone numbers to not be clickable.
Rilascio 14/01/2025
- QR Code section: Fixed an issue that caused the camera permission pop up to not be prompted.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Home section: In Content widgets, fixed some display issues when borders size has been increased.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Fixed an issue that caused a crash at the launch of the application.