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TuttoApp de ContenutoApp eCommerce

Rilascio  04/07/2019

  • Event section : Fixed an issue that caused a crash after opening lot of detail views 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  03/07/2019

  • Event section : fix an issue that caused the load more arrow displayed on an event cell. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  02/07/2019

  • Grid navigation mode : fixed an issue that caused an application crash when the user was swiping between pages 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  27/06/2019

  • Authentication add-on : In the login view, the font of the terms label is now harmonised between all the GoodBarber platforms. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  26/06/2019

  • Article, Event & Map sections : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application, when the user was clicking on the first picture before it has been downloaded. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Home section : In widget navigation Template BigCarousel, fixed an issue that caused a glitch on the background when there is less than 3 links. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Authentication add-on : When using the login with Facebook, fixed an issue that caused the login page opened in Safari instead of the Facebook app. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  18/06/2019

  • Login : fixed a critical issue on IE11 only 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Map section : fixed an issue where click on markers is inactive 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Event section : now the website anchor link looks like a single link and not a button anymore 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Widget Newsletter : fixed an issue with the subscribe button layout 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Users search : now we don't display anymore the map view floating button, as it should not be available on PWA 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Authentication add-on: Fixed an issue that caused an app crashing when the user was trying to log in with Twitter without any Twitter keys set 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  17/06/2019

  • Grid navigation mode : now the transparency on close icon is managed 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  06/06/2019

  • Sound section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the description not displayed in some cases. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  03/06/2019

  • Chat section : an email is now sent when reporting an abuse 
  • Settings section : fixed an issue on iOS when app is installed on home screen when clicking on the 'Contact support' button 
  • Chat section : An email is now sent when reporting an abuse 
  • Chat: An email is now sent when reporting an abuse 

Rilascio  28/05/2019

  • Community add-on : In the users list section, fixed an issue that caused the map button hidden by the ad banner. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  27/05/2019

  • Grid navigation mode : fixed an issue that caused all the icons missing 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  23/05/2019

  • Article section : in the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "\n" not interpreted. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Video section : in the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "\n" not interpreted. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Sound section : in the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "\n" not interpreted. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  21/05/2019

  • Fixed an issue that caused randomly a crash of the application 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  17/05/2019

  • Couponing add-on : In the template 1, fixed an issue that caused an app crash. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Core : fixed an issue with 'mailto' links management when app is installed on home screen 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Core : properly fill meta description when viewing a specific content item 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Search section : fixed an issue where search have several keywords 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Bookmark section : fixed an issue which cause the bookmark deletion bar to be hidden when the navigation is a TabBar 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Navigation : fixed an issue which caused the back button not to be displayed in some cases 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Login : fixed an issue with the email fields validation 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Rilascio  14/05/2019

  • Event section : in the detail view, fixed an issue that caused a part of the description hidden. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Swipe navigation mode : fixed an issue that caused icon displayed in the menu even when they are disabled. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Article section : In template 7, fixed an issue that caused some lags when the user was scrolling the lsit 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  13/05/2019

  • Sound section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the view disappearing when the user click 3 times on the next song button. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  07/05/2019

  • Search Section : Fixed an issue that a caused crash when the user was clicking on the buy button of an event in the list. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  06/05/2019

  • All widgets card : fixed an issue that caused the thumb not centered. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  26/04/2019

  • MyGoodBarber app : fixed an issue that caused the image saving in library not working. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Live radio add-on : fixed an issue that can cause the wrong background color displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  08/04/2019

  • Event section : a new date format has been set in the events list 

Rilascio  02/04/2019

  • Loyalty card: Fix on validation process via QRCode 
  • Forgot Password: The success message for forgot password will be shown only if the email is valid 
  • Global improvement of the QR Code Scanner 

Rilascio  01/04/2019

  • New settings menu. We made more clear and easier to access. 

Rilascio  29/03/2019

  • Authentication add-on : On the picture edition page, fixed an issue that caused the camera cancel button not working. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  27/03/2019

  • Internal Ad Network add-on : Fixed an issue that caused the ad banner repositioned up in some cases. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  21/03/2019

  • Bookmarks section : fixed an issue that caused the player progress view not updated when the user was coming back on a sound detail that was already playing. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  18/03/2019

  • New rules to manage H1 tag on the Home page 
  • Loyalty program : fixed a title display on a desktop view 
  • Widgets Ads : fixed an issue where the ads image was distorted on Internet Explorer 11 
  • Map section : now the map view floating button is properly displayed when the selected navigation mode is TabBar 
  • Article section Template 8 : now the swipe bullets are fully displayed on mobile view 
  • Users list section : fix an issue where the back button wasn't displayed in some cases 
  • Authentication add-on : the button used to login with Facebook has been updated according to new Facebook policy 
  • Security : now most of external anchor links have a rel='noopener' attribute 
  • Improvement for .csv import. You can now import contacts to a group 

Rilascio  15/03/2019

  • Authentication add-on : In the user profile section, fixed an issue that caused informations displayed on only 1 line when the "My infos" tab was enabled 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Rilascio  13/03/2019

  • Forms: fixed issue were the instructions of the first field was overlapping the field itself 
  • Map section : fixed an issue that caused the gradient on the map button not displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Your users can send you a PDF file when they submit a form 

Rilascio  12/03/2019

  • Forms: PDF files can now be submitted 
  • Forms: Possibility to record videos 

Rilascio  11/03/2019

  • LivePlus : Major update of the service. The PWA is now fully responsible of directly fetching the audio stream's metadatas 
  • Map section / detail view : on Desktop view, the bottom toolbar is now properly hidden when scrolling down the panel 
  • Chat section : on Tablet or Desktop view, now the 'add message' text field is properly hidden when the selected thread has been reported as spam 
  • Chat section : fixed an issue on iOS where the 'add message' text field was hidden by the virtual keyboard of the device 
  • All details : fixed a vertical alignment issue of the comments button when the PWA is installed on Home Screen on iOS 

Rilascio  07/03/2019

  • Article section : in the detail view, fixed an issue that caused some links not working 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • About section : removed an unneeded extra-space at the top of the content 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Article section detail view : fixed an issue with the opacity applied on the background of the content 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Navigation Mode : added accessibility attributes on the Menu button 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Core : fixed an issue when loading more items in some cases 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Rilascio  05/03/2019

  • Authentication add-on : the button used to login with Facebook has been updated according to new Facebook policy 
  • New dashboard for redeemed discounts. More details and filters available to analyse your Discount campaigns performance. 

Rilascio  04/03/2019

  • Rating Popup: improvements on the filter used to open mail applications  
  • Coupons: Number of available coupons shown on detail has been adjusted 
  • Fix RTL display for currencies in Loyalty program 
    #BUG FIX 

Rilascio  01/03/2019

  • Form : fix on labels overlapping text fields